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Earth Wisdom Where Mountain Meets Ocean:
A Pilgrimage to Maine’s Sacred Sites and Stories

Maine, USA

August 23-25, 2024

Want to join me for a spiritual adventure in one of the most beautiful spots in the country?

Discover the Power of Spiritual Healing

August 23-25, 2024

We will perform ceremony, commune with the spirits of this sacred land, tell traditional stories and create new ones about the rocks and ocean, make offerings and build community.


The specific hike and pilgrimage that we make to Cadillac Mountain is in one of the most desirable places for summer travel in the United States. That's why it's so important for you to sign up early and make your accommodations now while hotel rooms are still available. (Yes, they book that far in advance).


We will meet at the Hampton Inn in Bar Harbor, Maine. We'll hold our indoor meeting sessions there each day after our outdoor adventures.

If your budget allows it, I encourage you to stay in the same hotel with us for your convenience. However, accommodations there are very expensive, so once you register we will send you a list of other places to stay within driving distance that are considerably less expensive.


Below you will find more information about the trip and a link to register. Still have questions? Feel free to call me at 631-553-7127.

Tour Leaders

Proud to bring inspirational leaders from across the globe.

August 23, 2024

Earth Wisdom Where Mountain Meets Ocean

Through centuries and across cultures, we have learned that stones contain a mysterious and spiritual power. As our oldest relatives, they teach us that they can contain our suffering and our stories. Join Lewis Mehl-Madrona, Barbara Mainguy, and Bob Vetter on a pilgrimage to the place known as Cadillac Mountain and Acadia National Park to walk among the rocks to explore the mysteries and connections in history and in our present-day experience.

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August 23, 2024

In the mornings, we will immerse ourselves in the landscape, hiking the trails etched over centuries in the beautiful earth, characterized by pink granite and forests of

spruce, pitch pine, wild blueberries, and gnarled trees.


In the afternoon, we will explore and record the stories, dreams, and experiences the rocks inspire in us on our morning hikes. We will explore how to communicate with the More-Than-Humans and the Other-Than-Humans.

Why do the stones of Cadillac Mountain and the other areas in Acadia National Park receive so many visitors?

What is so special about these stones?

Come and be awestruck with us as we encounter ocean and stones in all their sculptural and spiritual beauty. Join us in Maine for this unique opportunity for environmental eco-humanist storywork.

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Why is Cadillac Mountain and the area surrounding it so special?

For thousands of years, people have climbed Cadillac Mountain and looked out from its peak. Originally inhabited by the Wabanaki people, Cadillac Mountain is the highest point on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. For part of the year, it's the first place in the U.S. to see the sun rise. It's named after a French explorer and adventurer named Laumet de La Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac and was formerly known as Green Mountain. But what really makes it special is the incredible beauty and raw power that is palpable when you visit it.

Some of the questions we want to ask:

  1. What makes a place feel powerful?

  2. What is the relation of beauty to power?

  3. What are the spiritual properties of rocks and ocean?

  4. What are the stories the rocks may tell?

  5. What is pilgrimage and how do we approach a sacred site in a respectful way?

  6. How are we changed through an encounter with a sacred place/place of power?

The experience will relate both to the specifics of the place that is Cadillac Mountain and Acadia National Park and can also transfer to other places – a way of being in place.Wisdom sits in places. Vine Deloria, Jr., writes about Indigenous North American people’s understanding of the spiritual power of rocks. Ayer’s Rock in Australia, Stonehenge, and the stone circles of the Celts in what is now the U.K. teach us again of the commonality of the human encounter with our oldest relatives.


Come walk with us and bring your heart to come to know your connection to the stones found at Cadillac Mountain and Acadia National Park, Maine


Due to the nature of this event, we need everyone who’s coming to pre-register so that we can adequately plan the hikes and the space requirements for the workshops. Late-comers are welcome to text us, but we cannot guarantee space for last minute enrollment.


Register for this event HERE.


We have reserved a block of rooms at the Hampton Inn Bar Harbor at a discounted rate for this event. Although there are many options for accommodations in this area, we encourage everyone to stay here to keep the group together.


To book a reservation at our discounted rate ($529/night), please contact the hotel at via phone at 207-288-3210, extension x604 or email to initiate the booking process.

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Please use code

“Earth Wisdom”

to receive the discounted rate. Guests must book before June 1st, 2024 to be eligible for the discounted rate.

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